“Creative supervisors, managers, coaches, mentors are willing to go where they have never been; and are willing to do what they have never done — to impact more people than they have ever impacted in their LIFE. This is the power of being creative!”
William L. Bullard
Founder / Instructor
William L. Bullard’s personal philosophy is to not only live by the golden rule but also by the platinum rule. What is the platinum rule? Treat others the way they would like to be treated. When living by this rule, people see the good in the situation more often than seeing the bad. Many times, people will respect you more for your actions and be more inclined to also follow your actions. Another great truth to incorporate into a person’s life would be this statement: “85% of my behavior is dependent upon my perspective of my life, and 15% is dependent upon the actions and words of others towards me.” The amazing truth of this statement is simple: Never give another more leverage to others or you will never be able to lead, train, encourage, and help take people around the bases of life.
William was drafted in the last draft of the Vietnam War. The Navy needed Dental Technicians and Corpsmen, and this is the direction William chose for his military service. Serving in the military has opened numerous doors throughout William’s life, including speaking to special military groups on military installations. One of his highlights was a two-day training for over 200 employees at NASA Space Center. One core belief he shares is a deep love for God and Country.
William attended a few colleges in his younger days, including Georgia College, and the University of Georgia off-campus, and later completed a Bachelor of Science in the area of Leadership. He loves people! His training experience has now reached over the 40-year summit; and his hard and diligent work through the years has taken him to over 500 companies, businesses, and organizations. William greatly enjoys serving and providing training for military bases, government groups, community groups, churches, and corporations throughout the U.S. and Internationally.
Many describe William in the seminar and training workshops as sincere, engaged, and enthusiastic. These qualities are what make him an effective and engaging trainer. Attendees often take away a renewed enthusiasm for their field and life in general. It is a great desire in William’s classes and speaking events to help every attendee gain appreciation for basic life principles that will empower them throughout their life, career, and skill set. He wholeheartedly believes that humor, fun, and laughing will impact others.
William incorporates life stories and illustrations to create “buy-in” and engages the attendees in the seminar room. His teaching style is unique by implementing the four behavior styles of people. It has been said over and over that he treats every person with dignity and honor; and when you leave one of the ONE-DAY training you feel valued! He provides a great atmosphere of learning for each attendee and helps them feel uniquely designed with their own DNA. Communication is vital without condescension towards one another, and he says over and over that a trainer that condescends to others should never be allowed in front of the class. Role-playing and team-building exercises are vital to practical training in the classroom. Q&R is a must for those attending a seminar/training.
Some of his areas of expertise are creative leadership, event planning, excellent customer service which we call above and beyond; and diverse training in the area of management and supervision.
William is also involved in ministry-related entities such as traveling overseas and teaching leadership to various mission groups; included countries he has taught and trained are Nigeria, South Africa, Chile, Brazil, St. Thomas, and Mexico.
We are excited to have William on our team and we know you will look forward to hearing him as one of your event’s keynote speakers or having him come to hold a ONE-DAY TRAINING for your team.
William enjoys fishing, biking, golf, boating, tennis, as well as all sports. His goal in life is to impact as many people as possible with life-giving principles for operations, either personally or corporately. You will enjoy hearing William in our ONE-DAY TRAINING CLASSES!